Juicing! Sounds like something a bunch of “granolas” would do back in the seventies doesn’t it? Well maybe but it is also a modern way to get more vegetables and fruits into your diet Fast! It is also a great way to give your system a boost each day. Especially if you change it up and put in some different combinations of food that you might not eat on a regular basis. Those fruits and vegetables that you know provide great health benefits and don’t always get into your diet are good candidates for juicing.
I haven’t found a downside to juicing although you have to watch out for the sugar spikes. It is easy to do though by avoiding putting too much fruit in each recipe.
Here are a few juice recipes for those just starting out.
Cucumber Spa Cocktail
1 small pear
1 pineapple spear(remove rind)
1 small yellow bell pepper
1 English cucumber(peeled)
1 lemon(peel intact)
Clear Shock
1/2″ piece horseradish
20 mint leaves
30 cilantro leaves
1 carrot(top removed)
1 orange(peeled
1 apple
Booster Shot
2 oranges(peeled)
1 lemon(peel intact)
1″ piece ginger(peeled)
Super Boost
3 tomatoes
1/4 red bell pepper
1/4 green pepper
2 garlic cloves(peeled)
1/4 jalapeno
1/4/ onion
1 celery stalk
I use these but also just gather up what is in the refrigerator and combine with a little fruit for sweetness.
Amazon has the latest Juicers.